We are very pleased to have support from local and national leaders. They have strengthened our efforts to provide a CASA volunteer for every child who needs one. Learn about key individuals that have given Kansas CASA their endorsement along with others on a National level.
Click on an endorser to learn more!
CASA Partners
A number of generous companies, organizations, and foundations make it possible for the Kansas CASA Association to support local CASA programs in recruiting, training and managing more volunteers to serve more abused children in need. Their cash grants, sponsorships and in-kind donations also allow us to provide new, innovative programming.
Are you interested in joining our statewide efforts to advocate for Kansas children? Please contact Kansas CASA to discuss the opportunity to make a major difference in the lives of children and ultimately improve the communities in which your employees live and work.
Our Partners:
- National CASA/GAL Association
- Office of Judicial Administration
- Kansas CASA Association Board of Directors
- DCF - Children's Justice Act Fund